Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our Garden

We spent time last week getting our garden going. We planted lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and peas. We are getting ready to finish the last plot off with potatoes and red onions. Here are a few pictures from our planting day.

Summer 2008

It has been a little while since I have posted. The kids finished up the school year and summer has technically began, although you wouldn't know it judging by the weather. We had our friends from Seward come for a visit a couple weeks ago. We hadn't seen them since we moved from Seward and it was great being able to visit with them.
After that we were off to Fairbanks. We got to visit with Jim's family and meet our newest neice and nephews. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and we all had a good time on our road trip. I wish gas wasn't so high, I love getting in the truck and taking a trip.

Roadtrip Jim

Zach and Brooke being silly in the truck

This is what happens to Haley on a long drive