Friday, January 18, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed!

Today Zach and I went down to the spit to look at the wintering eagles. Here are a few pictures.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So Much Snow!!

It took until December to get any snow but once it started it hasn't stopped! Here are a few pictures of our Homer snow. The kids have had a blast playing outside in the snow, Jim on the other hand hasn't enjoyed the daily shoveling :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Zach's message to Emily

Zach made a video message for his friend Emily in Tok, he talks about her all the time and wanted her to see him playing computer.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Silly Kids

Kids Goofing Off

December 2007

I have been playing with my new camera and thought I would try and post a couple videos of the kids on here, I hope this works!

The first one is of Haley and Brooke jumping off the porch into the snow. The second video is Zach reluctantly singing his rainbow song from church.
I didn't have the camera on the highest setting for video so it's not the clearest but you can see them :)

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas!

We had a great and busy Christmas this year. Jim and the kids and I went up to Anchorage to celebrate with my family.

We decided to go to the early service on Sunday so we could get on the road. When we tried to come home from Church to load up we couldn't get up our hill. After wasting plenty of time trying we finally took a break and got some lunch. A friend of mine gave me a ride up while Jim and the kids played at the Police Department. We finally got on the road much later than planned and the rest of the drive went great. While we were in Anchorage we decided to trade in the trusty mini van for something more appropriate for the Homer roads.

We had a great holiday visiting with my family. The kids had a lot of fun and love all their new gifts. Here are some pictures from our holiday adventure.

The kids with their new shirts from Aunt Mallory, Uncle Billy and Anton.

Haley, Zach and Brooke opening gifts.

Reindeer prints in the snow Christmas morning :)

My family on Christmas Day.